Saturday 24 November 2012

Evaluation Q4

Who Would Be The Audience For Your Media Product?

This is 17 year old James Stanley from Bedford. He dresses fairly straight forwardly - usually just a polo top and jeans. He enjoys playing football in the park with his mates and loves going to the cinema on a Sunday night. His favourite place to shop is Milton Keynes shopping centre, as he loves going into shops like Foot Locker and Republic. James enjoys watching horror films like the Saw films, The Exorcist, The Shining and End Of Days.
The music James would listen to would be more underground music, varying from hip-hop and r 'n' b music - he doesn't like to listen to classical music and tries to avoid listening to country music (although his mother plays it all the time at home). He likes to listen to Radio 1extra as he likes listening to Greg James' chart show.

I think our film would appeal to this boy as he is a typical lad who enjoys typical boyish things, therefore, if this film was shown at his local cinema, this would probably appeal to him, as it's similar to other films he likes, such as 'Saw' and 'The Shining'.

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