Tuesday 27 November 2012

Evaluation Q7

Looking Back At Your Preliminary Task, What Do You Feel You Have Learnt In The Progression Of It To Full Product? 

I have learnt, that from doing my preliminary task the "shot reverse shot" is the best way of showing a conversation that is happening between two people. I didnt use this in my film opening, however, because there aren't any conversations in it.

Match On Action
The match on action shot is the best shot for when you are filming somebody walking around or through a door. When filming a Match On Action shot, you have to use a tripod or have the ability to keep the camera really still, otherwise the shot doesn't fit together very well. I have used this shot in my film opening, to show that i can use many different camera shots.

The 180 Degree Rule
The 180 degree rule is used to show the conversation that is happening or to establish setting from a different angle. I have learnt that when doing this shot it is best to use a tripod or rest the camera on something stationary, as it is very difficult to maintain a steady camera with a free hand. In my film opening, I didn't use a 180 degree shot, as there wasn't a situation where I had two people talking to each other. The location was established via a panning shot, so a 180 degree shot was purposely not used.

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