Thursday 22 November 2012

Evaluation Q2

How Does Your Media Product Represent Particular Social Groups?

My protagonist is a 16 year old boy, who belongs in the teenager social group. He has been represented as a curious boy who is desperate to know what the sound was that woke him up. Other films such as, Saw III has a protagonist who does the similar movements as the main character in my film opening. The man is curious to know what the sound was that alarmed him. A comparison of my protagonis is the boy from "The Blair Witch Poject" in which he is a curious boy who wants to find out some more information. In my case, my protagonist wants to find out more information about what awoke him from his sleep, and the boy from The Blair Witch Project wants to find out more information about Witches.
In my film opening we can see my character is looking petrified at what he is about to see, and by the look on the boy's face from "The Blair With Project", he looks rather similar. The setting of the two pictures do differ however, my film opening is set within a house and consists of my character moving around the house, whereas in the Blair Witch Project, it is set in a forest/woods.

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