Monday 19 November 2012

Production Log Filming

Production Log Filming


How did it go?
I think my filming went well. I had to re-film it because i wasn't happy with my first version.

Did you change anything from your planning?
I originally intended to use fake blood and knives in my film opening, but i eventually decided against it because i feel that the blood and knives were not apropriate to the genre. I wanted it to be more of a psychological and sinister film, raher than just blood and gore.

What were the difficulties?
The only difficulties i came across was finding an effective way to film. I originally filmed why whole film with just a freehand camera, but i then went and got a tripod and i have found it so much easier to film now as I don't have to have someone filming me all the time. 

Are you on schedule? 
I am currently on schedule as I have re-filmed all of my work and have now made it a better version. Because i used a tripod, all the footage is much more still and there are no shaking hand shots unless i want there to be, for example: When my character is looking around the room when he is scared, i want there to be a little bit of a shake to make it show the fear inside my character.

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