Tuesday 20 November 2012

Audience Feedback - Costumes

Do you think the costume of my protagonist fits the genre?
I think the costume of the protagonist fits the film because he is wearing white and grey. Two simple colours that attract our attention to his face and not what he is wearing.

Do you think the costume of my antagonist fits the genre?
Yes, I think the costumes for the antagonist fits the film genre because she is all dressed in black and because you can see no flesh, it gives the impression that the antagonist isn't human.

Do you feel as though the costumes used for my characters create meaning for my genre?
I think the costumes used do create some meaning for the genre because the genre was Horror, and the costumes were very basic and simple which drew viewers away from the clothes and towards the camera shots and the mise en scene.

Do you think the costumes used targets my target audience?
I think it does because the protagonist wore grey jogging bottoms, something everyone has at home and so it is almost saying that this situation could happen to anyone. 

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