Thursday 27 September 2012

Task 8 - Production Company Logo

A production company essentially helps to create the film. It assists in the budgeting, scheduling, scripting, casting and more. The company usually looks over the film from when its just an idea and helps turn that idea into a final finished product. Eg: A Horror film. 

Major production companies are more focused on the total amount of sales their film completes. There main aim is to promote the film and to make money in the process. This is the case with big hit films such as; Avatar. In this example, 20th Century Fox have tried to target a wide range of audiences in order to increase the amount of sales figures the film determines. 

Independent production companies have made the decision to target a certain target audience and almost has a hooked effect on them. By creating films that appeals to a certain niche, reduces the chance of the film being a hit and miss. You can almost guarantee sales from independent production companies. An example of an independent production company is; Tica Productions. Tica have produced films such as 'Nice Guys Finish Last' and other comedy shows like that. They target a certain audience. 

Amicus Productions and Brain Damage Films are two examples of film companies that aid in the process of making horror films. This is important to me because i have chosen to make my film opening in the horror genre and so I can relate to these companies. 

When you compare my logo to the one displayed here, we can notice that they both have the main simple image on the front, and then the name of the production company follows. They are both eye catching and immediately inspire you to look at it. With production company logos, I have personally found that lots of production companies like to use the colour red in their logos as it is a connotation of blood and gore, especially with logos that are designed for the horror genre.  

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