Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Task 6 - Nine Frame Analysis

1. In the first screen shot frame we can see someone throwing someone else off the edge of a flight of stairs. This gives us the impression that the characters in the film are not nice ones. This frame gives us an idea of what the film as a whole is going to be like. We can instantly tell that this film is going to revolve around death and people getting killed.   
2. In the second screen shot we can tell that this film is also a hybrid genre, as it has all the generic conventions of a horror film, but also includes pieces of comedy which makes us instantly realise that this film is not just a plain horror.    
3. There is an explosion in this scene and we can see three characters running away from the exploding car. One of these characters is a zombie and is clearly chasing the other two. This does have a funny effect because it is clearly stating that the main problem is the explosion from the car, yet the zombie is still trying to devour the two characters. 
4. There is a comical effect in frame number four, as there is a close shot of a zombie's face being pushed up against a riot shield. This adds humour to the film as when a persons face is squashed up against glass or plastic it is a funny sight.
5. In this scene a human is being chased through a field by a zombie. This is quite scary but also makes you laugh because the facial expression on the zombie is comical. 
6. On this frame the character at the front is being chased by two zombies (a male & female) and this is funny because the facial expression and body language on the character running away is really exaggerated. This is also funny because the character is overweight and seeing him running away adds much humour to this scene. 
7. In this frame the characters are again, running away from the zombies. There is a group of zombies chasing the characters, and the characters being chased is a child and his dad. This is disturbing because there is a child involved which instantly makes the scene feel much more worse.  
8. In this frame we can see that there are two firemen who are trying to put out a fire. This adds some mystery to the horror film, as it makes us want to find out whats caused the fire thus watch the film. 
9. In this final frame, a zombie has just been hit round the face and is on his way to the floor. We can see lots of blood flying off the zombies face so he has obviously been hit with something. This shows that eventually the humans triumph over the zombies and end up winning the battle. This individual frame is quite comical because it is a really over exaggerated fall to the floor. 

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