Wednesday 26 September 2012

Task 7 - Horror Questions (Flip Camera)

1. What is the genre of film you are creating?
The film I am creating is going to be a horror film. I have chosen to do this because I want to be able to be in control of my viewer’s emotions and I want to scare them and give them an adrenaline rush.

2. Who do you think the target audience for this genre is and why?
I think the target audience for this genre will be people aged 15+ because I feel that if anyone below the age of 15 was to view it, they would feel disturbed and out of sorts. For example, I want to do a scene involving a ghost and I feel this would be inappropriate for anyone aged 14 and under. 

3. What demographic do you feel would watch your film?
I think people with a high economic status would enjoy watching this film, as it is an intellectual showing as well as a scary one. I also think that this film would be suitable for men and women as both genders can have a love for the horror genre. I am aiming for the C1 & C2 category, as they are the ones who will find this film easiest to interpret.

4. What BBFC classification will your film fit into? What effect will this have on your target audience?
My film will fit into the 15 rating. I say this because I want to use some strong language but not too much. And every swear word will be in context and will not be over the top. I think that this will have a positive effect on my audience because even adults who are well over the age of 15 will still be interested in watching the film because it is still rated at an age where they know they’re not wasting their time.

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