Monday 8 October 2012

Task 15 - Locations

Here is a google map screenshot of my house. I am going to record my opening scene here. 

Another location I am going to use is my bedroom. I am using this location because I want to make the film opening feel realistic and appropriate to the genre. I want the viewer to feel like they are actually part of the film and make sure they can emphasise with my character by being realistic and suitable for my genre.

I am going to use my hallway as a location. Hallways are always a spooky and eery place to be when it is dark and everyone is asleep. I want to portray this in my film opening. Hallways make suspense more effective and so that is why i am using a hallway in my film opening.      


I am going to use my living room/lounge for my film opening, as i have very effective lighting in there. The spotlights allow enough light to come through the camera and make my shot look sinister. 


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