Friday 26 October 2012

Task 19 - Storyboard For Film Opening

My Storyboard For Film Opening
Here is my soryboard for my film opening. I have shown the order in which my scenes come, and a quick snapshot of what is happening in each scene. I have also shown the times at which these scenes will happen.

Monday 15 October 2012

Task 18 - Scripting

Script For My Film Opening

{Danny goes to sleep at night}
{In his dream he imagines himself walking downstairs and seeing a demon down there and gets chased by it}

{Demon grabs his leg and pulls him across the floor}
Danny: "Nooooo!"
Demon: *Chewing Sounds*

{Danny wakes up}
"Ahh, it was just a dream..."
{Danny opens the door to exit his bedroom}
{Demon is standing across the hallway looking away from Danny* 
*End Of Opening*

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Task 17 - Timeline Planning

This is my timeline plan for my film opening. I have taken a photo of the order in which my titles and scenes occur in my film opening.     

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Task 16 - Costumes

I am going to use some bed sheets because when i blur some of the image out and change the effects of the shot, bed sheets will look like ghosts and can be wrapped around an actor to seem like they have come back from the dead.

I am going to be wearing grey jogging bottoms in my opening because they are really plain and it is realistic because that is what someone would be wearing. 

I am going to be wearing a plain white T-shit because i want to make it seem realistic, but also i want to wear something plain because i want the viewers to be focused on the facial expression and camera movements, and not what I'm wearing. 

I have chosen to dress my antagonist in black because it is very plain and simple and it draws the attention towards the face of the demon, as opposed to what she is wearing. The collar of the shirt covers the neck and so the whole of my character is covered from head to toe in black clothing. 

Again, i have chosen to use black trousers for my antagonist because i want the viewers attention to be focusing on the actual character and the camera shots and not what they're wearing. 

Monday 8 October 2012

Task 15 - Locations

Here is a google map screenshot of my house. I am going to record my opening scene here. 

Another location I am going to use is my bedroom. I am using this location because I want to make the film opening feel realistic and appropriate to the genre. I want the viewer to feel like they are actually part of the film and make sure they can emphasise with my character by being realistic and suitable for my genre.

I am going to use my hallway as a location. Hallways are always a spooky and eery place to be when it is dark and everyone is asleep. I want to portray this in my film opening. Hallways make suspense more effective and so that is why i am using a hallway in my film opening.      


I am going to use my living room/lounge for my film opening, as i have very effective lighting in there. The spotlights allow enough light to come through the camera and make my shot look sinister. 


Sunday 7 October 2012

Task 14 - Prop List

Here I have chosen to use a knife as one of my prop. I have chosen a long pointy knife because it insinuates pain and a sharp painful way to die. I want this to be reflected in my film.  

Here I have chosen to use a bandage. I am going to wrap up one of my actors to create a 'Mummy' effect and this will be one of my main antagonists. 

I am going to use red dye and put this on the bandages and the knife to show the connotation of blood and the seriousness of the situation my character is going to be in. 

I am going to use a bed as a prop in my scene. I want to put across the message that even in your bed, your not safe from my antagonists in my film opening. 

Task 13 - Mood Board

This is a mood board that i have created on my genre of Horror. I have chosen to use images of characters and particular film covers of films in the horror genre. It shows what sort of things I am going to include in my own film opening, and this will be a reflection of my own individual work.

Friday 5 October 2012

Task 12 - Mind Map Of Film Opening